Sunday, July 25, 2010


Inspired by friends starting a blog on Blogger I thought I'd revisit my blog experiment to see if I could get my head round this new-fangled social networking stuff again.

Sadly, no.

I can log in, I can post and I can edit my profile. But can I find anyone else's blog? Nope. I can click a button to get "Next Blog" and read a random slice of Saskatchewan life, but nothing by people I actually know have a blog on Blogger.

I think my brain must be too highly evolved for all this stuff. After all, kids do it all the time, simultaneously juggling a blog with IM and Facebook while (supposedly) doing their homework and listening to iTunes as the TV flickers in the corner, unwatched and unwanted.

Isn't tech wonderful? I like living in the future, but isn't it sad that we have all this media but no jet packs yet?

Maybe I'll just search for a blog about grumping...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Part 2

and then the goat jumped out of the cupboard, and the nun said "So, that's where you get them!"

A mere 20 years later and still the same startup line. I expect I'll resort of using my Discworld parody at some point as well.

All I can say now is that it's good to be back in print. Electrons. Pixels. As eyeball fodder. Whatever this is.